For my second beer utilizing WY3725 (the first was a Dark Saison I brewed the day before), I wanted to brew a grisette, but make it my own by adding honey. I read that Shaun Hill uses 15-20% honey in his honey saisons, so chose that as a target amount. Choosing the variety of honey required a little more thought. For this beer, knowing I was going to use WY3725 as the yeast, I wanted to have an subtle tart and earthy flavor profile with a little bit of citrus in the background. So to help accentuate the citrus, I decided to use Orange Blossom Honey added at flame out to provide a little bit of flavor, but not overpower the other ingredients in the beer.
"Grisette de Miel"
Breweed 11 August 2013 by myself
Batch size: 5.25 gallons
OG: 1.044
FG: 1.003
IBU: 25
SRM: 3.6
60 minute boil
4 lbs. Rahr 2-row
2 lbs. Rahr Red Wheat
8 oz. Whole Foods Quick Oats
8 oz. Flaked Rye
1 lb. Orange Blossom Honey added at flameout
0.35 oz. Warrior @ 60 minutes (16% AA)
2.00 oz. Styrian Goldings @ 5 minutes (4% AA)
WY3725 - Biere de Garde 2L starter made 8/8/2013, pitched 750ml
1 tablet Whirlfloc, and 1/2 tsp. yeast nutrient added at 15 min.
60 minutes at 152F
Carbon Filtered DC tap water with 2g gypsum and 2g CaCl2 added to the mash and 2 gallons and 1.2g gypsum and 1.6g CaCl2 added to the sparge
Ca: 89 ppm
Mg: 5 ppm
Na: 15 ppm
Cl: 84 ppm
SO4: 99 ppm
Collected 6 gallons of 1.034 runnings (75% efficiency)
Chilled to 88F, put if fridge to cool to 70F
~8 hours later pitched decanted starter, left at 68F ambient to ferment, solid fermentation 12 hours later
Ramped temperature up to ~80F after 2 days
8/20/2013 - 1.003, nice but not too much yeast character, apparent orange earthiness from honey
8/24/2013 - Needed fermenter so I kegged with 4.5 oz. table sugar and .25 oz. chamomile in 8 oz. water
9/1/2013 - put on tap
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